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Rise Above With Love

This rainbow cloud pic was taken on 29 Feb 2020. There had been no rain for weeks prior, the sun was well to the right, but suddenly this beautiful rainbow appeared. A sign of hope in the sky. A reminder that ALL IS WELL.

As we navigate a world that is nothing like it was a month ago, or that we have witnessed in our lifetimes, it is important that we stay focused on what truly matters.

Fear lowers our energy, and therefore our immunity. Hope, trust and love raises our energy and keeps us well.

While it's important to stay informed, instead of watching the news all day long and constantly checking online for the latest negative updates, look around you at what you have to be thankful for in your life. Focus on those things instead.

Focus on your family, your friends, if you’re in lock down, the fact that you can finally get around to all those chores you have been meaning to do, read that book you wanted to. Spend time in nature.

Focus on the fact that there is much less pollution in the air affecting our beautiful planet. Be grateful that Mother Nature is getting a chance to heal from the damage we have inflicted upon her.

Look for the good things, even if they’re only small things. Keep looking for them every day. The more positive we can stay, the more quickly we will get through this into a bright new future for us all. Look after yourself. Support each other. Breathe. Believe.

This is the shake up the world needed and however it looks for you personally right now, keep the faith that only good will come from this. Because it will. This is a new beginning for us all and we will make it through TOGETHER with love.

Because, to borrow from Mahatma Gandhi, ‘Where there is love, there is life.’

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